
Showing posts from November, 2024

Dendrology Part Two: About the Plants

 Dendrology Part Two: About the Plants Lodgepole pine:  Pinus contorta Common name: Lodgepole pine, Shore pine, Twisted pine, and Contorta pine Family Name: Pine Family Genus: Pine Species: Spruce-pine-fir Interesting facts: Abundant tree species in British Columbia  The kiln-dried lumber is used as framing material One of the first species to come back after a wildfire due to it being a highly adaptable tree Used to make frames of tipis or lodges in some American Indian tribes Used for telephone poles, fence posts and corral rails due to the lack of taper Drought tolerant Shallow roots During fires, some pines pop open (only in the heat) and spreads millions of seeds Resources: About Lodgepole Pine. (2024).  Natually: wood. Lodgepole Pines.(2021)  National Park Service. Dwarf Resin Birch:  Betula Glandulosa Common Name: American dwarf birch,...

Flood Plain Maps and Alluvial Soils

 Flood Plain Maps and Alluvial Soils:,two%2Dthirds%20of%20Californias%20population. The Upper Feather Watershed floods along the riverbanks. These areas flood mainly during the spring when the Sierra Nevada Mountains snow melts causing high water flow in the rivers. The affected areas are the towns of Quincy and Greenville due to the towns being by the wetlands main channels and tributaries. To help mitigate the floods, California's department of water resources use reservoir management and levee maintenance.  Geology of Upper Feather Watershed Soil texture of Upper Feather Watershed On the Eastern portion of the watershed, the stream flows though the valleys, which is wide and flat. Over time, the river brings down sediment deposits creating fertile land. These are known as alluvial soils. These soils are used for agriculture, bu...