Dendrology Part Two: About the Plants
Dendrology Part Two: About the Plants
Lodgepole pine: Pinus contorta
Family Name: Pine Family
Genus: Pine
Species: Spruce-pine-fir
Interesting facts:
- Abundant tree species in British Columbia
- The kiln-dried lumber is used as framing material
- One of the first species to come back after a wildfire due to it being a highly adaptable tree
- Used to make frames of tipis or lodges in some American Indian tribes
- Used for telephone poles, fence posts and corral rails due to the lack of taper
- Drought tolerant
- Shallow roots
- During fires, some pines pop open (only in the heat) and spreads millions of seeds
About Lodgepole Pine. (2024). Natually: wood.
Lodgepole Pines.(2021) National Park Service.
Dwarf Resin Birch: Betula Glandulosa
Common Name: American dwarf birch, Tundra dwarf birch, Resin birch, Shrub birch and Dwarf Arctic birch
Family Name: Betulaceae (birch Family)
Genus: Betula
Species: Birch
Interesting Facts:
- Found mainly in bogs and wetlands
- Grows alongside alders and willows
- Used for erosion control
- Bark has large resin glands and is smooth
- Grazed by many animals
- Grizzly bears make their dens out of this tree
- Height: 3-10 ft.
- Grows down to sea level in Artic, but grows as high as 11,200 ft. in South Range
American Dwarf Birch. (2023). Nature With Us.
Dwarf Resin Birch. (2024). INaturalist.
Canyon Live Oak: Quercus Chrysolepis Var. Chrysolepis
Common Name: Canyon Oak, Goldcup Oak, white live oak, and dwarf canyon live oak
Family Name: Beech Family
Genus: Quercus
Species: Oak tree
Interesting Facts:
- Found in Southwestern part of North America
- Found near creeks and drainage swales
- leaves are glossy dark green
- Different heights depending on location in state
- Associated with Douglas-fir, Tanoak, Giant Chinkapin, and Pacific madrone
- Begins to flower at age 15 to 20 years
- Seeds are acorns (light chestnut brown)
- Was used by early settlers for farm implements, shipbuilding, furniture and fuel.
Canyon Live Oak. (2024). Calscape.
Thornburgh, Dale A. Canyon Live Oak. Quercus Chrysolepis Liebm.
Douglas-fir: Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii
Common Name: Douglas fir, Oregon pine, red fir, Douglas spruce, Piño Oregon
Family Name: Pine family
Genus: Pseudotsuga
Species: Fir, Named after Archibald Menzies, a Scottish surgeon
Interesting Facts:
- This is not a true fir tree but rather Pseudotsuga which means "false Hemlock"
- Has male and female cones: known as conifers
- Male cones develop pollen in March, and pollinate female cones in April. In late summer and early fall the female sheds their seeds and wind takes them, traveling up to 1/4 mile.
- National parks and wilderness areas protect the remaining Douglas Firs. They were extensively logged in the 1980s.
Coast Douglas-fir. (2021). National Park Service.
Douglas fir. (2024). National Wildlife Federation.
Pacific Madrone: Arbutus Menziesii
Common Name: Pacific Madrone, Madroño, Bearberry, Strawberry tree
Family Name: Ericaceae
Genus: Arbutus; L.
Species: Madrones
Interesting Facts:
- Native to pacific coast
- named after 19th century physician and naturalist Archibald Menzies
- Closely related to blueberries, mountain laurels, rhododendrons, and manzanita
- Can reach 130 feet tall.
- Depends on periodic fire for forest opening due to thriving in full sunlight
- They reproduce vegetatively
- Berries were used to make cider by Native Americans even though they were not sweet
- They were also used as bait for fishing
- Bark is used to treat colds, sores and sore throats. Medicinal tea.
Pacific Madrone. (2021). National Park Service.
Pacific Madrone - A Beautiful and Unique Northwest Native. (2024).
Foothill Pine: Pinus Sabiniana
Common Name: Foothill Pine, Gray Pine, Grayleaf pine, See-Through Pine
Family Name: Pinaceae
Genus: Pinus; L.
Species: Pine
Interesting Facts:
- Large cones were used as a food source by the Native Americans
- Seeds are rich in oil and protein
- Height can be 80 feet
- flowers are yellow. Bloom early spring
- grows in areas with poor soils
- grows in elevations of 1-4500 feet.
- Endemic to California
- grows with blue oak
Howard, Janet L. Pinus Sabiniana. (1992). Fire Effects Information System.
Foothill Pine. (2024). Calscape.
California Bay: Umbellularia Californica
Common Name: California Bay, Oregon myrtle, Myrtlewood, Pacific-myrtle, pepperwood, Spice-tree, Cinnamon Bush, Peppernut tree, and Mountain Laurel.
Family Name: Lauraceae
Genus: Umbellularia
Species: Tree
Interesting Facts:
- Height can range from 20-45 feet
- leaves have a peppery aroma
- Leaves used as cooking spice
- Flowers open in late winter and early spring. They are white, yellow, or can be yellowish-green
- Tolerates serpentine and clay soils
- drought tolerant
- releases terpenes to kill competing plants
California Laurel. (2024). Calscape.
California Bay Laurel. (2024). Selectree.
Incense Cedar: Calocedrus Decurrens
Common Name: California incense cedar, and California post cedar
Family Name: Cupressaceae
Genus: Calocedrus, Kurz
Species: Conifer
Interesting Facts:
- Can grow in altitudes ranging from 160 feet to 9500 feet.
- Trunk diameter that can be as big as 10 feet.
- Bark is light/ reddish brown
- Prefers moist soil that is well drained
- has adaptability to different soil types
- Male cones are yellow and small only reaching 3mm
- Female cones are cylindrical, has 6 paired, flattened and has pointed scales. They are 2-2.5 cm long
Calocedrus Decurrens. (2024). Landscape Plants.
Black Oak: Quercus Kelloggii
Common Name: Black Oak, Yellow Oak, Quercitron, yellowbark oak, and smoothbark oak
Family Name: Fagaceae, Beech
Genus: Quercus; L.
Species: Oak Tree
Interesting Facts:
- Leaf lobes have bristles or points
- acorns mature in two growing seasons and when mature, sprout in the spring
- Grows near rivers and streams
- Can grow 50-80 feet tall
- Width is 40-60 feet
- Prefers acid soil and dry soil
- Needs full sun for 6 hours a day
- Male flowers are in dangling catkins while female flowers are smaller and are closer to the stem
Black Oak. (2024). The Morton Arboretum.
Bigleaf Maple: Acer Macrophyllum
Common Name: Bigleaf Maple, Broadleaf maple, Oregon maple
Family Name: Soapberry (Sapindaceae)
Genus: Acer
Species: Maple tree
Interesting Facts:
- They are 20-100 feet tall
- The inner bark of the tree was used by indigenous people as a food source, to make wooden canoe paddles, etc.
- The barred Owl prefers to nest in the bigleaf maple
- Can tolerate most soil moistures and types of soil but prefers riparian areas, hardwood area or mixed evergreen forests.
- Thrives in high altitudes that are below 5000 feet.
- Produces sap that can become maple syrup
- The wood is used for making musical instruments and furniture
- Can produce tiny canopy roots. This turns into epiphyte-derived canopy soil to nourish the tree.
Bigleaf Maple. (2021). Budburst.
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